
Tummy Time voor Baby's: Alles wat je moet weten


Tummy Time voor Baby's: Alles wat je moet weten

by Baby Sales on Sep 30, 2024
Tummy time is essentieel voor de ontwikkeling van je baby. Begin vanaf de eerste week met korte sessies en bouw dit op tot 20-30 minuten per dag. Versterk de spieren van je baby en voorkom een afgeplat hoofdje met leuke tips en hulpmiddelen. Lees alles over een veilige en succesvolle tummy time in deze blog!
De Speen: Hoe, Wanneer en Hoe Lang Gebruik Je Deze voor je Baby?


De Speen: Hoe, Wanneer en Hoe Lang Gebruik Je Deze voor je Baby?

by Baby Sales on Sep 21, 2024
Een speen kan helpen om je baby te kalmeren en in slaap te vallen, vooral in de eerste 5 maanden. Na deze periode wordt het aangeraden om het gebruik geleidelijk af te bouwen om tandproblemen te voorkomen. Ontdek in deze blog de voordelen van een speen en handige tips voor het stoppen.
Omrollen met je Baby: Hoe Stimuleer je deze Belangrijke Mijlpaal?


Omrollen met je Baby: Hoe Stimuleer je deze Belangrijke Mijlpaal?

by Baby Sales on Sep 17, 2024
Help je baby met het leren omrollen door een veilige omgeving te creëren, buikligging te stimuleren en speelgoed te gebruiken als motivatie. Ontdek handige hulpmiddelen zoals baby gyms en spiegels om de motorische ontwikkeling te bevorderen. Lees meer tips en advies om deze belangrijke mijlpaal te ondersteunen!
Bevalling Opwekken Thuis: Fabels, Feiten en Wetenschappelijke Inzichten


Bevalling Opwekken Thuis: Fabels, Feiten en Wetenschappelijke Inzichten

by Baby Sales on Aug 08, 2024
De laatste weken van de zwangerschap kunnen behoorlijk uitdagend zijn. Je bent moe, je lichaam voelt zwaar aan en je kunt niet wachten om je kleintje eindelijk in je armen te houden. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat veel aanstaande moeders manieren zoeken om de bevalling zelf op te wekken. Maar wat werkt echt en wat zijn slechts fabels? In deze blogpost onderzoeken we de feiten en fabels rond het opwekken van de bevalling thuis, inclusief wetenschappelijke inzichten. Fabels en Feiten over het Opwekken van de Bevalling Fabel: Pittig eten versnelt de bevalling Een veelgehoorde tip is dat pittig eten de bevalling kan opwekken. Hoewel sommige vrouwen zweren bij deze methode, is er geen wetenschappelijk bewijs dat pittig eten direct leidt tot weeën. Wat pittig eten wel kan doen, is je spijsvertering stimuleren, wat in zeldzame gevallen je baarmoeder kan prikkelen. Echter, de effecten zijn minimaal en onvoorspelbaar. Feit: Seks kan helpen bij het opwekken van de bevalling Seks is een van de meest onderzochte natuurlijke methoden om de bevalling op te wekken. Sperma bevat prostaglandinen, hormonen die de baarmoederhals kunnen verzachten en helpen rijpen. Daarnaast kan een orgasme de baarmoeder stimuleren. Volgens een studie gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift "Obstetrics & Gynecology" kan regelmatige seksuele activiteit in de laatste weken van de zwangerschap de kans op een spontane bevalling vergroten. Fabel: Ruwe ananas eten zorgt voor weeën Ananas bevat bromelaïne, een enzym dat de baarmoederhals zou kunnen verzachten. Hoewel dit in theorie klinkt alsof het zou kunnen helpen, zou je een enorme hoeveelheid ananas moeten eten om een significante hoeveelheid bromelaïne binnen te krijgen. De meeste vrouwen zullen waarschijnlijk eerder last krijgen van maagklachten dan weeën. Feit: Acupunctuur kan de bevalling stimuleren Acupunctuur wordt al eeuwenlang gebruikt in de traditionele Chinese geneeskunde en er is enig wetenschappelijk bewijs dat het kan helpen bij het opwekken van de bevalling. Een studie gepubliceerd in "The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine" vond dat vrouwen die acupunctuursessies ondergingen, iets eerder bevielen dan degenen die dat niet deden. Hoewel de resultaten variëren, kan acupunctuur een veilige en natuurlijke manier zijn om je lichaam voor te bereiden op de bevalling. Fabel: Ricinusolie drinken veroorzaakt weeën Ricinusolie is een veelbesproken middel voor het opwekken van de bevalling. Het is een krachtig laxeermiddel en kan daardoor de darmen en indirect de baarmoeder stimuleren. Hoewel sommige vrouwen hier succes mee hebben gehad, waarschuwen artsen vaak voor deze methode vanwege de mogelijke bijwerkingen, zoals ernstige diarree en uitdroging. Feit: Wandelen en beweging kunnen helpen Regelmatige lichaamsbeweging, zoals wandelen, kan helpen de baby in de juiste positie te krijgen en de bevalling op gang te brengen. Beweging helpt de baby verder in het bekken te zakken, wat kan bijdragen aan het rijpen van de baarmoederhals en het opwekken van weeën. Een onderzoek gepubliceerd in het "Journal of Perinatal Education" benadrukt dat matige lichaamsbeweging tijdens de zwangerschap kan bijdragen aan een kortere en minder gecompliceerde bevalling. Feit: Tepelstimulatie kan effectief zijn Tepelstimulatie is een natuurlijke methode die effectief kan zijn bij het opwekken van de bevalling. Het stimuleert de afgifte van oxytocine, een hormoon dat weeën veroorzaakt. Volgens een studie gepubliceerd in "The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews" kan tepelstimulatie daadwerkelijk helpen de bevalling op te wekken, vooral bij vrouwen die over tijd zijn. Conclusie Hoewel er veel methoden zijn om de bevalling op te wekken, werken niet alle even effectief en sommige kunnen zelfs gevaarlijk zijn. Het is belangrijk om goed geïnformeerd te zijn en altijd je zorgverlener te raadplegen voordat je een methode probeert. Methoden zoals seks, acupunctuur, regelmatige lichaamsbeweging en tepelstimulatie hebben enige wetenschappelijke ondersteuning en kunnen veilig thuis worden geprobeerd. Houd in gedachten dat de natuur zijn eigen tempo heeft en dat het beste moment voor de geboorte van je baby vaak buiten je controle ligt.
Zomer Essentials voor je Baby: De Beste Producten voor Warme Dagen


Zomer Essentials voor je Baby: De Beste Producten voor Warme Dagen

by Baby Sales on Jun 10, 2024
De zomer is een geweldige tijd om samen met je baby te genieten van het mooie weer. Maar hoe zorg je ervoor dat je kleintje veilig en comfortabel blijft in de hitte? In deze blog bespreken we een aantal onmisbare producten die je baby helpen beschermen en vermaken tijdens de warme zomer maanden. Van babyzwembanden met zonnescherm tot draagbare ventilatoren voor op de kinderwagen, deze items zijn perfect voor de zomerse dagen.
De Doppler: Een Essentieel Hulpmiddel tijdens de Zwangerschap


The Doppler: An Essential Tool During Pregnancy

by Baby Sales on Jun 03, 2024
During pregnancy, several tools and technologies are available to help expectant parents monitor the health and well-being of their unborn baby. One of these tools is the Doppler. In this blog post we discuss what a Doppler is, when you can start using it, what it can do and why it is a valuable instrument for many expectant parents.
Onmisbare Babyproducten voor Onderweg: Essentiële Items voor Elke Uitstap


Essential Baby Products on the Go: Essential Items for Every Trip

by Baby Sales on May 27, 2024
Going on trips with your baby requires the right preparation and essential products. Must-have items include the 3 in 1 stroller for versatility, hydrophilic cloths for multi-purpose use, a baby carrier for hands-free convenience, a changing mat for hygiene, a diaper bag for organization and baby wipes for quick cleaning. These products provide comfort and convenience during every trip with your little one.
De Rol van de Partner bij de Bevalling: Een Gids voor Effectieve Ondersteuning


The Role of the Partner in Childbirth: A Guide to Effective Support

by Baby Sales on May 20, 2024
A partner plays a crucial role during childbirth by providing emotional and practical support. Preparation with books and courses, communication, practical help, comfort techniques such as massage and breathing exercises are essential. Collaboration and responsibility ensure a positive birth experience.
Zwangerschap en Cafeïne: Mag ik nog koffie drinken en hoeveel is te veel?


Pregnancy and Caffeine: Can I still drink coffee and how much is too much?

by Baby Sales on May 13, 2024
Read all about caffeine use during pregnancy: the recommended limits (maximum 200 mg per day), sources of caffeine, and alternative energy sources such as adequate sleep, healthy diet and exercise. Also discover useful tips and consult the ZwangerHap app for advice on food consumption during pregnancy.
De Voordelen van Zwangerschapsmassages: Verlichting van Pijn en Vermindering van Stress


The Benefits of Pregnancy Massages: Pain Relief and Stress Reduction

by Baby Sales on May 06, 2024
Pregnancy is a wonderful, but sometimes physically and mentally challenging period for women. As your baby grows, you may experience various physical and emotional changes, including pain and stress. A nice and effective way to relax during pregnancy is through pregnancy massages. In this blog post you can read more about the benefits of pregnancy massages and give some suggestions of places where you can book one!
Zonbescherming Voor Jouw Kleintje: Veilig Een Dagje In de Zon


Sun protection for your little one: a safe day in the sun

by Baby Sales on May 02, 2024
As a parent, you want to make sure your baby is safe and protected, especially on the sunny days ahead. Sun exposure can damage your baby's sensitive skin and increase the risk of sunburn and other skin problems. Here are some tips and suggestions to keep your baby safe on sunny days
Zwangerschap en Werk: Balanceren van Carrière en Moederschap


Pregnancy and Work: Balancing Career and Motherhood

by Baby Sales on Apr 15, 2024
Combining pregnancy with work can be a challenging but also exciting time. Finding the right balance between your career and upcoming motherhood requires planning, organization and flexibility. In this blog we share useful tips to bring these two important aspects of your life into harmony. 1. Communicate with your Employer: Open communication with your employer is essential during your pregnancy. Discuss your pregnancy in time and inform your employer about your expected delivery date and any leave plans. This gives your employer the opportunity to prepare and make any adjustments if necessary. 2. Plan your Leave: Take the time to plan your leave plans and take advantage of the available leave arrangements, such as maternity leave, maternity leave and parental leave. Make sure you are aware of your rights and options regarding leave, so that you can make an informed decision that suits your situation. 3. Set Realistic Goals: Set realistic goals for yourself at work and don't be too hard on yourself during your pregnancy. It is normal to feel your energy levels drop and your ability to concentrate reduced. Stay focused on the most important tasks and spread your workload if possible. 4. Setting priorities: Learn to prioritize and focus on the tasks that are really important. Use planning tools like calendars and to-do lists to keep your work organized and meet deadlines. Be willing to say no to extra tasks that require too much of you during your pregnancy. 5. Flexible Working Arrangement: Investigate whether there are options for flexible working arrangements, such as working from home, flexible hours or part-time work. These arrangements can help improve your work-life balance and give you more control over your work schedule. 6. Take care of yourself: Last but not least, don't forget to take good care of yourself during your pregnancy. Take regular breaks, eat healthy, stay hydrated and try to get enough rest. Listen to your body and give yourself the necessary rest when necessary. Useful Resources and Apps: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment provides information about leave arrangements and rights during pregnancy and parenthood. Apps such as Ouders van Nu and ZwangerHap offer tips and advice about pregnancy and parenthood, including work-related topics. By applying these tips and taking advantage of available resources and apps, you can better tackle the challenges of pregnancy and work and create a healthy balance between your career and motherhood. Remember that it's normal to adjust to this new phase of your life and it's important to give yourself some time and space to grow and blossom as a mother.
De Eerste Uitstapjes met je Baby: Tips voor Reizen en Outings


Your Baby's First Outings: Tips for Travel and Outings

by Baby Sales on Apr 05, 2024
Taking your baby's first outings can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you're taking a walk in the park or visiting family and friends, planning these outings requires careful preparation. In this blog we share useful tips and suggestions for traveling and outings with your little one, adapted to different seasons. Spring: Picnic in the Park: Enjoy the warmer weather by organizing a picnic in the park. Bring a blanket, some toys for your baby and of course some tasty snacks for both of you. Visit to a Farm: Many farms are open for visits in the spring. Bring your baby to view animals and enjoy the fresh air. Summer: Beach Day: If you live near the beach, this is the perfect season to spend a day at the seaside. Make sure you have plenty of sunscreen and a parasol to protect your baby from the sun. Summer Festival: Visit local summer festivals or markets with your baby. There are often stalls with food, music and activities for the whole family. Autumn: Autumn walk: Enjoy the beautiful autumn colors during a walk in the forest or in a park. Don't forget to wrap your baby warmly and bring a baby carrier or stroller. Pumpkin Farm: Visit a pumpkin farm and pick out the perfect pumpkin for Halloween with your little one. Many farms also offer other fall activities, such as corn mazes and pony rides. Winter: Christmas market: Visit a Christmas market and admire the beautiful decorations and stalls. Maybe you can even take a picture of your baby with Santa! Indoor Activities: When it's too cold outside, there are still plenty of fun things to do with your baby indoors. Think of baby swimming lessons, baby gymnastics or a visit to an indoor playground. General Tips for Outings with your Baby: Make sure you have enough supplies such as diapers, food, water and extra clothing for your baby. Take your baby's sleep schedule into account and plan your outings around nap time. Be flexible and willing to adjust your plans if your baby gets tired or cranky. Invest in a good baby carrier or stroller for comfortable travel with your little one. Don't forget to enjoy these special moments together and make memories that will last a lifetime. With these tips and suggestions, you can confidently explore the world with your baby, no matter the season. Remember, it's important to enjoy this precious time together and enjoy the little moments along the way.
Baby's en Slaap: Tips voor het Creëren van een Gezond Slaapritme


Babies and Sleep: Tips for Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine

by Baby Sales on Mar 31, 2024
A healthy sleep rhythm is essential for both babies and parents. In this blog we share valuable tips to promote a healthy sleep rhythm, both for the little ones and for those who care for them. We also discuss useful apps that can help track and manage your baby's sleep habits. Tips for Parents: Routine and Consistency: Set a sleep routine and stick to it. This helps your baby understand when it's time to sleep and can help regulate their sleep-wake cycle. Create a Soothing Environment: Provide a calm and comfortable sleeping environment for your baby. This may include dimming the lights, playing soothing music or white noise, and setting a comfortable room temperature. Wake-Sleep-Feed-Sleep Routine: Encourage your baby to go back to sleep after a feeding so they associate going back to bed after feeding. Learn Signs of Fatigue: Watch for signs of fatigue in your baby, such as rubbing their eyes, yawning or irritability, and respond by putting them to bed before they become overtired. Avoid Overstimulation Before Bedtime: Limit active games and stimulation right before bedtime. Instead, choose calm activities that help your baby calm down and prepare for sleep. Be Patient: Developing a healthy sleep schedule can take time and requires patience. Be consistent in your approach and be willing to make adjustments as necessary. Tips for the Baby: Encourage Daytime Naps: Encourage naps during the day to ensure your baby gets enough rest and doesn't become overtired. Regular Feeding and Sleeping Times: Try to keep feeding and sleeping schedules consistent to help your baby develop a regular sleep pattern. Provide Comfortable Sleeping Conditions: Use a firm mattress and ensure a safe sleeping environment by avoiding loose blankets and pillows. Encourage Self-Soothing: Teach your baby to self-soothe by introducing a favorite stuffed animal or blanket that they can associate with sleep. Encourage Activity During the Day: Provide plenty of physical activity and playtime during the day to help your baby expend energy and sleep better at night. Stay Alert for Contentment Signs: Look for signs that your baby is comfortable and content, such as calm breathing, relaxed body language and slow eye movements while sleeping. Useful Apps for Sleep Tracking: Hatch Baby Rest: A smart nightlight and sound machine with a companion app that lets you track and customize your baby's sleep habits. Baby Sleep Sounds: This app offers a variety of soothing sounds that can help your baby fall asleep, as well as a timer function to turn off the sound automatically. Sprout Baby: In addition to tracking sleep times, this app also offers tools for tracking feedings, diaper changes, and milestones in your baby's development. By following these tips and using useful apps, both you and your baby can enjoy a good night's sleep and develop a healthy sleep rhythm. Remember that it is important to be flexible and make adjustments as necessary to meet the needs of your growing baby.
Zwangerschap en reizen: Tips voor veilig en comfortabel reizen tijdens de zwangerschap


Pregnancy and travel: Tips for safe and comfortable travel during pregnancy

by Baby Sales on Mar 29, 2024
Traveling during pregnancy can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with some specific challenges. Whether you're going on vacation or traveling for work, it's important to prepare yourself well to ensure that both you and your baby stay safe and comfortable during the trip. Here are some tips to make traveling during pregnancy go smoothly: 1. Consult your healthcare provider before traveling Before planning a trip, it is always wise to consult your obstetrician or gynecologist. They can advise you of any risks and specific precautions you need to take, depending on the progress of your pregnancy and your general health. 2. Choose the right destination and travel period When planning your trip, consider choosing destinations that are not too far away and where medical facilities are good. Avoid traveling to areas with risks of infectious diseases or where medical care may be limited. It is also advisable to avoid travel during the first trimester and the latter part of the third trimester, when the risk of complications is greatest. 3. Take your medical information with you Make sure you have a copy of your medical records and pregnancy records with you when traveling. This can be useful in an emergency, especially if you need medical care at your destination. Also consider taking a medical identification band with important information about your pregnancy. 4. Pack smart When packing your suitcase, don't forget to bring everything you need for a comfortable trip. Think about comfortable clothes and shoes, snacks and water, medications, pregnancy pillows and other necessities that will help you feel comfortable during the trip. 5. Get up regularly and stretch your legs If you're traveling by car, schedule regular breaks to get up, walk around, and stretch your legs. This can help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of swelling and blood clots. If you're traveling by plane, consider getting up and walking down the aisle every now and then. 6. Insure yourself Make sure you have good travel insurance that covers medical costs and any unexpected complications during your pregnancy. Also check whether your insurance covers cancellations or changes to your travel plans due to pregnancy-related reasons. Useful resources and apps The app "ZwangerHap" provides advice on food safety during pregnancy and helps you avoid foods that may pose risks. Websites such as the Nutrition Center and the RIVM offer reliable information about pregnancy and travel, including guidelines for safety and health while traveling. By following these tips and using reliable resources and apps, you can ensure your pregnancy journey is safe and comfortable. Remember to enjoy the adventure and take time to relax and enjoy the experience!
Omgaan met Ochtendmisselijkheid: Tips voor Verlichting


Dealing with Morning Sickness: Tips for Relief

by Baby Sales on Mar 28, 2024
Morning sickness is a common symptom during pregnancy that many women experience, especially in the first trimester. Although it can often be annoying and uncomfortable, there are several strategies you can use to find relief. Here are some comprehensive tips to help reduce morning sickness: 1. Eat small, frequent meals Try to avoid large meals and instead eat small snacks more often throughout the day. This can help keep your stomach satisfied and reduce nausea. 2. Choose easily digestible food Foods that are easy to digest, such as crackers, toast, bananas, and rice, can be easier on your stomach and reduce nausea. 3. Avoid strong odors Strong odors can make morning sickness worse, so avoid cooking odors, perfumes, and other strong odors if possible. 4. Drink enough water Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes dehydration can worsen morning sickness symptoms. 5. Try ginger Ginger is known for its ability to reduce nausea. You can drink ginger tea, eat ginger candies or add ginger to your meals to find relief. 6. Get enough rest Fatigue can make morning sickness worse, so make sure you get enough rest and try to reduce stress. 7. Use acupressure Some women find relief by wearing acupressure bands around the wrists. These bands stimulate certain pressure points that can reduce nausea. 8. Talk to your midwife If morning sickness is severe or accompanied by vomiting and dehydration, contact your midwife or healthcare provider. They can provide advice and possibly prescribe medication to relieve the symptoms. It's important to remember that not all tips will be equally effective for everyone, so experiment with different strategies to see what works best for you. And remember, morning sickness is usually temporary and often improves after the first trimester. Stay positive and be patient as you navigate this phase of your pregnancy.
Hoe om te gaan met slaapproblemen tijdens de zwangerschap: Tips voor een goede nachtrust - BabySales


How to deal with sleep problems during pregnancy: Tips for a good night's sleep

by Baby Sales on Mar 22, 2024
Insomnia can be a common problem during pregnancy, especially in the later trimesters when your belly gets bigger and other pregnancy ailments can manifest. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can try to promote good sleep so you can stay rested and energized during this special time of your life. 1. Create a restful sleep environment Make sure your bedroom is an oasis of peace, specially designed for a good night's sleep. This includes creating a comfortable bed with pillows that support you, blocking out outside noise with earplugs or a white noise machine, and regulating the temperature so it's not too hot or too cold. 2. Learn relaxation techniques Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and meditation can help calm your mind and body before bed. Try creating a soothing bedtime routine that includes these techniques to prepare yourself for a restful night's sleep. 3. Adjust your sleeping position As your belly grows, it can become more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Try sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees to relieve pressure on your lower back. It can also help to place an extra pillow under your stomach for support. 4. Limit caffeine and fluids before bed Caffeine can disrupt your sleep, so limit your intake of caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and soda, especially in the late afternoon and evening. Also limit your fluid intake before bedtime to reduce nighttime toilet visits. 5. Listen to your body If you find yourself unable to sleep, don't force yourself to stay in bed. Get up and do something relaxing, such as reading a book or listening to soothing music, until you feel drowsiness return. 6. Consult your healthcare provider If you experience serious sleep problems that do not improve with these tips, do not hesitate to contact your midwife or GP. They can give you advice and possibly offer additional suggestions to improve your sleep quality. It's normal to experience sleep problems during pregnancy, but with the right strategies you can still enjoy a good night's sleep. By creating a restful sleep environment, using relaxation techniques and adjusting your sleeping position, you can hopefully reduce sleep problems and enjoy the rest you need for a healthy pregnancy.
Zwanger? Zo bereken je je uitgerekende datum! - BabySales


Pregnant? This is how you calculate your due date!

by Baby Sales on Mar 21, 2024
Congratulations, you're pregnant! One of the first things you probably want to know is when your baby is due. The due date, also known as the delivery date, is an estimate of the day your baby will be born. Calculating your due date can be an exciting step in your pregnancy journey. But how do you actually do that? In this blog post we show you how to calculate your due date and share useful resources and apps for extra guidance and information during your pregnancy. How do you calculate your due date? The most common method to calculate your due date is to take the first day of your last menstrual period (FDLM) and add 280 days. This method is known as Naegele's rule and is based on an average cycle length of 28 days, with ovulation on day 14. Steps to calculate your due date: Write down the first day of your last menstrual period. Add 7 days to this. Then add 9 months to the date you noted. Add another seven days to this and you have your expected delivery date. That is your provisional due date! For example: Suppose the first day of your last period was November 4. Then add nine months to this and you arrive at August 4. If you add another seven days to this, you will find that August 11 is your expected delivery date. Please note that this is an estimate only and the actual delivery date may vary. Your obstetrician or gynecologist will be able to give you more information about your specific situation and your exact due date during your pregnancy. Useful resources and apps: Pregnancy Calendar : This app provides a handy tool to calculate your due date and tracks your pregnancy progress week by week. Parents of Now Pregnant app : This popular app not only contains a due date calculator, but also a lot of useful information and tips for expectant parents. Nutrition Center : The Nutrition Center website offers reliable information about healthy nutrition during pregnancy, as well as useful tools such as a due date calculator. By calculating your due date and using reliable sources and apps, you can optimally prepare for the arrival of your little one and enjoy a healthy pregnancy!
Zwangerschapskwaaltjes? Doe deze oefeningen om pijn aan de onderrug te verlichten tijdens de zwangerschap! - BabySales


Pregnancy ailments? Do these exercises to relieve lower back pain during pregnancy!

by Baby Sales on Mar 20, 2024
Pregnancy is a wonderful experience, but it can also be accompanied by some discomforts, such as lower back pain. Fortunately, there are several exercises you can do to relieve this pain and feel more comfortable during your pregnancy. In this blog post we share some effective exercises and suggestions for resources and apps that you can consult when in doubt. Exercises: 1. Cat Cow Stretch The Cat-Cow Stretch is a great exercise to relieve tension in the lower back. Get down on your hands and knees, inhale as you arch your back and raise your head (Cow). Exhale as you round your back and lower your head down (Cat). Repeat this several times to loosen the muscles in your back. 2. Pelvic Tilts Pelvic Tilts help strengthen the abdominal and back muscles, which can help reduce back pain during pregnancy. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your pelvis and tilt it forward while pressing your lower back against the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat this several times. 3. Squats Squats can help strengthen the gluteal and leg muscles, which in turn can improve back stability. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and slowly lower yourself as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your back straight and your chest up. Then slowly push yourself back to the starting position. Repeat this for several repetitions. 4. Swimming Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that strengthens the back muscles while relieving the joints. Swimming laps in the pool can help relieve back pain and improve your overall well-being during pregnancy. 5. Prenatal Yoga Prenatal yoga is specifically designed to help pregnant women relax, prepare for childbirth and relieve any back pain. Yoga poses such as Child's Pose, Cat-Cow Stretch and Pigeon Pose can all help stretch and strengthen the muscles in the back. 6. Pelvic floor exercises Pelvic floor exercises can also help relieve back pain during pregnancy. Tighten the muscles around your pelvic floor as if you were trying to stop urinating, hold this tension for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this several times during the day. Tips: To learn more about safe exercise during pregnancy, consult reliable sources and apps. Some recommendations are the ZwangerFit app, Ouders van Nu Zwanger app and the Fit Pregnancy app. Always listen to your body and stop exercising if you experience pain or discomfort. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have a medical condition or are at high risk during pregnancy. By regularly doing these exercises and consulting reliable sources and apps, you can relieve back pain during pregnancy and enjoy a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.
Hoe blijf je fit en gezond tijdens je zwangerschap? - BabySales


How do you stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy?

by Baby Sales on Mar 19, 2024
Pregnancy is a wonderful and special time in a woman's life. In addition to the physical and emotional changes you are going through, it is also important to take good care of yourself during this period. In this blog post we share some tips for staying fit and healthy during your pregnancy, as well as suggestions for resources and apps to consult if in doubt. 1. Listen to your body During pregnancy, your body undergoes various changes, and it is important to listen carefully to your body's signals. Rest when you are tired, avoid overexertion and listen to your body when it tells you to relax. 2. Stay active Although you may need to adjust your exercise routine, it's important to still stay active during your pregnancy. Pregnancy exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga and pregnancy exercises can help you feel more energetic, keep your muscles and joints flexible and even facilitate childbirth. 3. Eat healthy A healthy and balanced diet is essential for both you and your baby during pregnancy. Make sure you eat plenty of nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy products. Also try to drink enough water to stay hydrated. 4. Collect knowledge There is a lot of information available about pregnancy, but it is important to consult reliable sources. Books such as "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and websites such as the Nutrition Center and the RIVM provide useful information about health, nutrition, exercise and more during pregnancy. 5. Use useful apps There are several apps available that are specifically designed to support pregnant women. Some popular apps are: ZwangerHap app: Assess whether certain foods are safe to eat during pregnancy. Parents of Now app: Provides useful articles, tips and information about pregnancy and parenting. Fit Pregnancy app: Offers pregnancy-oriented workouts and health tips for expectant mothers who want to stay active during their pregnancy. By following these tips and using reliable sources and useful apps, you can ensure that you stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Remember to always seek advice from your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or concerns about your health or well-being during pregnancy.